Sweetwater is an upcoming American sports biographical film that tells the true story of Nat "Sweetwater" Clifton, who became the first African-American to sign a contract with the National Basketball Association (NBA) in the 1950s. Directed and written by Martin Guigui, the film stars Everett Osborne, Cary Elwes, Jeremy Piven, Richard Dreyfuss, and Kevin Pollak. It depicts Clifton's career with the Harlem Globetrotters and his journey towards integration into the NBA. The film's production faced several delays due to the Great Recession, but filming was eventually completed in October 2022. The movie is scheduled to be released by Briarcliff Entertainment on April 14, 2023. The soundtrack album will also be released on the same day by Candid Records.
Sweetwater is an upcoming American sports biographical film that tells the true story of Nat “Sweetwater” Clifton, who became the first African-American to sign a contract with the National Basketball Association (NBA) in the 1950s. Directed and written by Martin Guigui, the film stars Everett Osborne, Cary Elwes, Jeremy Piven, Richard Dreyfuss, and Kevin Pollak. It depicts Clifton’s career with the Harlem Globetrotters and his journey towards integration into the NBA. The film’s production faced several delays due to the Great Recession, but filming was eventually completed in October 2022. The movie is scheduled to be released by Briarcliff Entertainment on April 14, 2023. The soundtrack album will also be released on the same day by Candid Records.