Leo Russo (Ray Romano) lives a simple life in Queens, New York, with his wife Angela (Laurie Metcalf), their son "Sticks" (Jacob Ward), and a colorful network of Italian-American relatives and friends. After Sticks gets a life-changing opportunity to play college basketball, Leo goes to unexpected lengths to try and make sure his son doesn't follow in his footsteps and end up in his family's construction business, in this heartfelt comedy directed by Romano and featuring Sebastian Maniscalco and Tony Lo Bianco.
Leo Russo (Ray Romano) lives a simple life in Queens, New York, with his wife Angela (Laurie Metcalf), their son “Sticks” (Jacob Ward), and a colorful network of Italian-American relatives and friends. After Sticks gets a life-changing opportunity to play college basketball, Leo goes to unexpected lengths to try and make sure his son doesn’t follow in his footsteps and end up in his family’s construction business, in this heartfelt comedy directed by Romano and featuring Sebastian Maniscalco and Tony Lo Bianco.