In this extraordinary true story of faith and survival, On a Wing and a Prayer follows passenger Doug White’s (Dennis Quaid) harrowing journey to safely land a plane and save his entire family from insurmountable danger, after their pilot dies unexpectedly mid-flight.
00:00 Losing People
00:46 Meet Kari
01:21 Realization
Written By: Brian Egeston
Co-Produced By: Doug S. White
Starring: Dennis Quaid, Heather Graham, and Jesse Metcalfe
Directed By Sean McNamara
Produced By Autumn Bailey-Ford p.g.a., Roma Downey p.g.a., Karl Horstmann
Executive Produced By Marco Henry
So sit back, grab some popcorn and join us on this journey through the magic of movies. Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe to stay updated on all of our latest releases. Let the show begin!
In this extraordinary true story of faith and survival, On a Wing and a Prayer follows passenger Doug White’s (Dennis Quaid) harrowing journey to safely land a plane and save his entire family from insurmountable danger, after their pilot dies unexpectedly mid-flight.
00:00 Losing People
00:46 Meet Kari
01:21 Realization
Written By: Brian Egeston
Co-Produced By: Doug S. White
Starring: Dennis Quaid, Heather Graham, and Jesse Metcalfe
Directed By Sean McNamara
Produced By Autumn Bailey-Ford p.g.a., Roma Downey p.g.a., Karl Horstmann
Executive Produced By Marco Henry
So sit back, grab some popcorn and join us on this journey through the magic of movies. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe to stay updated on all of our latest releases. Let the show begin!